The Mechanics of Transportation
How can I get drivers to slow down in my neighborhood? What’s Vision Zero all about? Why does it take so long to get a sidewalk/bike lane or a reduced speed limit approved? Welcome to the Mechanics of Transportation – a podcast that will answer these questions as well as introduce you to people who you may want to share a bike ride, bus ride or walk with.
The Mechanics of Transportation
The Mechanics of Transportation - Episode 2
Welcome to the Mechanics of Transportation with me Ian Stewart. I’m a transportation reporter, formerly with VPM News, where I covered both local and national issues around transportation, including features on Vision Zero, speed enforcement and local bike races.
On this podcast, I’ll dive into the issues around transportation–from the cost of infrastructure to the people making the decisions on how we navigate the roads to people who you may want to share a bike ride, bus ride or walk with.
Many of these pods will be centered around the Richmond region, but once in a while I venture beyond central Virginia to get outside voices and stories.
For episode two, I’m sticking in RVA by featuring my interview with Faith Walker, Executive Director of RVA Rapid Transit, an advocacy group that, well advocates for bus riders in the Richmond region by calling for more buses to more places and better shelters for riders. We talk about their recently released 2024 State of Transit Report, which you can see at rva-rapid-transit dot org and talk about how, even though the region has stepped up improvements and has expanded bus routes, there’s still a long way to go to improve transit for all.
Follow my bike adventures and transportation stories on Instagram or Threads @just_ianstewart or Twitter @IanCycles.